
See also Europeans: Texts and Sources

See also


Feinberg,H. M., Who are the Elminans? Ghana Notes and Queries No 11 June 1970

Feinberg,H M, Africans and Europeans in West Africa: Elminans and Dutchmen on the GoldCoast during the eighteenth century Am Phil Soc 1989 186 pp Trans of Am Phil SocVol 79 Pt 7

Hyland,A. D. C., An Introduction to the Traditional and Historical Architecture ofGhana (In Maggie Dodds (ed) History of Ghana, American Womens Association, Accra1974)

Van Dantzig, A, Het Nederlandse Aandeel in de Slawenhandel Fibula 1968 (in Dutch)

Elmina and fort Coenraadsburg about the middle of the eighteenth century. From Barbot, Description of the North and South Coast of Guinea, London 1746

credit: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, 61 B 25


Van Danzig,A, (transl), The Dutch and the Guinea Coast, 1674-1742 A collection of Documentsfrom the General State Archives at the Hague. Ghana Academy of Arts and SciencesAccra 1978
Van Dantzig, A, Het Nederlandse Aandeel in de Slawenhandel Fibula 1968 (in Dutch)


Jan Pranger, "governor of the Gold Coast." In the background, an African servant. Through the window, in the distance, fort Coenraadsburgh is visible. Painting by Frans van der Mijn, 1742


credit Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Wartemberg,J, Sao Jorge d'El Mina, Premier West African European Settlement: Its traditionsand customs (Ilfracombe no date)


Ancient Dutch forts and castles in Ghana

300 years diplomatic relations Netherlands -Ghana

Michel Doortmont's website

AncientDutch and Portuguese Forts

Boxer, C.R, The Dutch in Brazil

Boxer, Q The Dutch Seaborne Empire1600-1800 London 1965

Brukum,N. J. K., African European Relations on the Gold Coast 1791-1844 (thesis)

Doortmont, Michel R. and Natalie Everts, 'Vrouwen, familie en eigendom op de Goudkust.Afrikaanse en Europese systemen van erfrecht in Elmina, 1760-1860' in: Geld& Goed.
Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis 17 (Amsterdam: Stichting beheer IISG 1997),pp.114-130
. ['Women, family, and property on the Gold Coast. African womenand European systems of inheritance in Elmina, 1760-1860']

Doortmont,Michel R., Th. van Bakergem, and A.E.M. Landheer-Roelants, 'Van Bakergem -St.George d'Elmina (Goudkust, West Afrika)' in: Nederlandse Genealogieën 12(1998), in press. [Genealogical study of the Ghanaian-Dutch Van Bakergemfamily.]

Doortmont,Michel R., Natalie Everts and Jean-Jacques Vrij, 'Tussen de Goudkust, Nederlanden Suriname. De Euro-Afrikaanse families Van Bakergem, Woortman, Rühle enHuydecoper', forthcoming. ['Between the Gold Coast, the Netherlands andSurinam: The Euro-African families Van Bakergem, Woortman, Rühle, andHuydecoper'; a family history and genealogy of four Dutch-Ghanaian families fromthe 18th and 19th centuries.]

Emmer, P, The History of the DutchSlave Trade: A Bibliographical Survey. Journal of Economic History 32/3 (1972)

Lawrence,A.W. Trade Castles and Forts of West Africa (London: Jonathan Cape 1963)

Lever, JT, The Dutch in Guinea 1792-1816MA Thesis

Postma, Johannes. The Dutch in theAtlantic slave trade, 1600-1815. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1990.

vanDantzig, Albert , Forts and Castles of Ghana (Accra: Sedco Publishing Ltd 1980).

Van Danzig, A, (transl), The Dutch and theGuinea Coast, 1674-1742 A collection of Documents from the General StateArchives at the Hague. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences Accra 1978

Van Dantzig, A, Het Nederlandse Aandeel inde Slawenhandel Fibula 1968 (in Dutch)

Van Dantzig, A, The Dutch MilitaryRecruitment Agency in Kumasi Ghana Notes and Queries 8 214 1966

Yarak, Larry W, Asante and the Dutch1744-1873 Clarendon Press Oxford 1990

Weijtingh,D.P.H.J. 'Achttien jaren aan de Goudkust, door Brodie Cruickshank; uit hetEngels vertaald en met eene inleiding vermeerderd' (Amsterdam 1855). [Thisbook is a translation in Dutch of the book by the British official BrodieCruickshank, Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast, first published in 1853.Weijtingh's new introduction to the book deals with the history and organizationof the Dutch possessions.]


Feinberg,H. M., Who are the Elminans? Ghana Notes and Queries No 11 June 1970

Feinberg,H M, Africans and Europeans in West Africa: Elminans and Dutchmen on the GoldCoast during the eighteenth century Am Phil Soc 1989 186 pp Trans of Am Phil SocVol 79 Pt 7

Hyland,A. D. C., An Introduction to the Traditional and Historical Architecture ofGhana (In Maggie Dodds (ed) History of Ghana, American Womens Association, Accra1974)

Van Dantzig, A, Het Nederlandse Aandeel in de Slawenhandel Fibula 1968 (in Dutch)

Elmina and fort Coenraadsburg about the middle of the eighteenth century. From Barbot, Description of the North and South Coast of Guinea, London 1746

credit: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, 61 B 25


Van Danzig,A, (transl), The Dutch and the Guinea Coast, 1674-1742 A collection of Documentsfrom the General State Archives at the Hague. Ghana Academy of Arts and SciencesAccra 1978
Van Dantzig, A, Het Nederlandse Aandeel in de Slawenhandel Fibula 1968 (in Dutch)


Jan Pranger, "governor of the Gold Coast." In the background, an African servant. Through the window, in the distance, fort Coenraadsburgh is visible. Painting by Frans van der Mijn, 1742


credit Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Wartemberg,J, Sao Jorge d'El Mina, Premier West African European Settlement: Its traditionsand customs (Ilfracombe no date)


Ancient Dutch forts and castles in Ghana

300 years diplomatic relations Netherlands -Ghana

Michel Doortmont's website

AncientDutch and Portuguese Forts

Boxer, C.R, The Dutch in Brazil

Boxer, Q The Dutch Seaborne Empire1600-1800 London 1965

Brukum,N. J. K., African European Relations on the Gold Coast 1791-1844 (thesis)

Doortmont, Michel R. and Natalie Everts, 'Vrouwen, familie en eigendom op de Goudkust.Afrikaanse en Europese systemen van erfrecht in Elmina, 1760-1860' in: Geld& Goed.
Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis 17 (Amsterdam: Stichting beheer IISG 1997),pp.114-130
. ['Women, family, and property on the Gold Coast. African womenand European systems of inheritance in Elmina, 1760-1860']

Doortmont,Michel R., Th. van Bakergem, and A.E.M. Landheer-Roelants, 'Van Bakergem -St.George d'Elmina (Goudkust, West Afrika)' in: Nederlandse Genealogieën 12(1998), in press. [Genealogical study of the Ghanaian-Dutch Van Bakergemfamily.]

Doortmont,Michel R., Natalie Everts and Jean-Jacques Vrij, 'Tussen de Goudkust, Nederlanden Suriname. De Euro-Afrikaanse families Van Bakergem, Woortman, Rühle enHuydecoper', forthcoming. ['Between the Gold Coast, the Netherlands andSurinam: The Euro-African families Van Bakergem, Woortman, Rühle, andHuydecoper'; a family history and genealogy of four Dutch-Ghanaian families fromthe 18th and 19th centuries.]

Emmer, P, The History of the DutchSlave Trade: A Bibliographical Survey. Journal of Economic History 32/3 (1972)

Lawrence,A.W. Trade Castles and Forts of West Africa (London: Jonathan Cape 1963)

Lever, JT, The Dutch in Guinea 1792-1816MA Thesis

Postma, Johannes. The Dutch in theAtlantic slave trade, 1600-1815. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1990.

vanDantzig, Albert , Forts and Castles of Ghana (Accra: Sedco Publishing Ltd 1980).

Van Danzig, A, (transl), The Dutch and theGuinea Coast, 1674-1742 A collection of Documents from the General StateArchives at the Hague. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences Accra 1978

Van Dantzig, A, Het Nederlandse Aandeel inde Slawenhandel Fibula 1968 (in Dutch)

Van Dantzig, A, The Dutch MilitaryRecruitment Agency in Kumasi Ghana Notes and Queries 8 214 1966

Yarak, Larry W, Asante and the Dutch1744-1873 Clarendon Press Oxford 1990

Weijtingh,D.P.H.J. 'Achttien jaren aan de Goudkust, door Brodie Cruickshank; uit hetEngels vertaald en met eene inleiding vermeerderd' (Amsterdam 1855). [Thisbook is a translation in Dutch of the book by the British official BrodieCruickshank, Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast, first published in 1853.Weijtingh's new introduction to the book deals with the history and organizationof the Dutch possessions.]