
See also Africa: Texts and Sources


Armitage,Capt C.H., The tribal markings and marks of adornment of the natives of theNorthern territories of the Gold Coast London 1924
Davies,A. W., (District Commissioner), The History and Organization of the "Kambonse"in Dagomba, June 1948
Ferguson P, Islamization in Dagbon PhD Cambridge 1973
Hyland, A.D. C., An Introduction to the Traditional and Historical Architecture of Ghana (In Maggie Dodds (ed) History of Ghana, American Womens Association, Accra 1974)<
Iliasu,A. A., 1971, Asante's relations with Dagomba 1740-1874 Gh Soc Sc Journal 1(2)54-62
Irvine, R.A., Essays by Assistant District Commissioners on Tribal History: Dagomba, 1908
Gill, J A,Short History of the Dagomba tribe
Lonsdale,Rupert La Trobe, Report .. of his Mission to Coomassie, Salagha, Yendi, etc.October 1881 to February 1882, dated 10 May 1882, PRO, Parliamentary papers(C-3386, 1-082, XLVI)
Opoku, A.A.., Festivals of Ghana, Accra, 1970
Oppong,Christine, (ed) Female and Male in West Africa, G. Allen and Unwin, London, 1983
Parsons, DSt. John, More Legends of Northern Ghana Longmans 1960 (also Legends ofNorthern Ghana) Dagomba -The Fire Festival, Moli Dagbani Empire, Kakara - PinKonkombaPrusson,Labelle, Architecture in Northern Ghana a study of forms and function BerkelyCalif 1969 >(includes a Konkomba hamlet - Yankezia, a Dagomba village -Kasuliyfli, and a Gonja village - Larabanga)
Rattray R S,Tribes of the Ashanti Hinterland 1932 (vol 2 p 564 for Dagomba tribute toAsante) Tait,David, A Sorcery Hunt in Dagomba, Jour Int Afr Inst 1334
Tamakloe, E.F., The mythical and traditional, history of Dagomba in Cardinall, A. W., TalesTold in Togoland
Tamakloe, F.A., Brief History of the Dagomba 1931 (pp 32-33 for Dagomba tribute toAsante)
Wilks, I,The Northern Factor in Ashanti History Legon 1967 (p 14 for Dagomba tributeto Asante)
Wilks, Ivor, A note on the early spread of Islam in Dagomba