
See also Africa: Texts and Sources

The technology of warfare in Asante and Dagbon


Davies, A. W., (District Commissioner), The History andOrganization of the "Kambonse" in Dagomba, June 1948
Fage, J. D., Ghana, AHistorical Interpretation, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1959.
Fage, J. D., Slavery andthe Slave Trade in the Context of West African History, Jour Afr Hist X 3 1969393-404
Iddi, M. Dasana The musketeers of the Dagbong Army Dagban Kambonse Legon Ghana 1973 MA Thesis
Iliasu, A. A., 1971, Asante'srelations with Dagomba 1740-1874 Gh Soc Sc Journal 1(2) 54-62
Tenkorang, S, The importanceof firearms in the struggle between Asante and the Coastal States 1708-1807 JHist Soc of Gh Vol IX 1-16